Twirl Exclusivity Guidelines

Confetti on the Dance Floor is happy to offer exclusivity by zip code for Twirl studios who purchase a minimum of 30 Twirl Packs in each of the three color levels: Pink, Lilac and Yellow, or the equivalent of 90 Twirl Packs of any color level.

IMPORTANT: This exclusivity is granted ONLY upon request for the dance season/calendar year in which the Twirl Packs are purchased, not to exceed one calendar year. Failure to meet the minimum purchase requirements in subsequent year(s) will result in expiration of the exclusivity, without notice.

When Exclusivity is active, no other dance studios within the protected zip code may purchase the Twirl Packs for that season. Exclusivity ONLY covers Twirl Packs and does not include any of our other products available on our website or elsewhere.

For a list of all zip codes currently protected by our Twirl exclusivity clause, please contact us at or 770.946.6025.

We reserve the right to review and amend this exclusivity clause in future years as needed.